Lighthouse Baptist Church • 1842 Otts Chapel Road • Newark, DE 19702 •

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ice Skating Fellowship

The Kings Kids/Teens/Family Ice Skating was a real enjoyable time today. There was such a good spirit as about 70 Lighthousers "hit the ice". We actually did have one minor accident, and after a trip to the E.R., Scott Johnston is deciding not to do anymore "triple klutzes" on skates.
Scott is doing well and would appreciate your sympathy and mother-henning. All single ladies are expected to do their part. :) (for outsiders, Scott is single)

Well, we look forward to another Lord's Day tomorrow. Let's make a major effort at being a blessing, as well as getting a blessing. May sinners be converted, saints revived, and most of all our Lord and Savior be glorified!

Praise the Lord!


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Risen Indeed!

It has been a great Lord's Day today on Resurrection Sunday. The other side of the cross is a place of victory for Jesus and then for those that prove His resurrection power in their lives. This victory is ours to claim and act upon.

I hope that each believer that reads this will realize what Christ raising from the dead means in their life. There is victory over temptation. There is power to break the domination of sin over your body. There is hope in the midst of sickness that we will receive new bodies. There is hope in the middle of discouragement that we will be glorified as Christ is glorified.

I want to live with Paul to know Him and the Power of His resurrection. Will you pursue that knowledge also? His death and resurrection are real. There is power for your life because He is risen!

The Lord bless and keep you,


Saturday, March 22, 2008

He is Risen!

He is Risen!

I have given you a link to a document that I am going to share with you during the Scripture Reading tomorrow on the Resurrection. I did a short study on the "power" of the resurrection and what Christ raising from the dead did for us. There is great and wonderful truths in the verses I am sharing with you that I believe will be a great blessing if you just read the verses and meditate on their connection to Jesus living again after the crucifixion. If you cannot open the link, let me know via email, and I will post the document here in regular text form.

He is Risen Indeed!



Saturday, March 15, 2008

Missions Conference

Tonight begins "Here am I Lord, Send Me" our 2008 Missions Conference. I am excited about the Banquet and can't wait for the fellowship and seeing the missionaries.

We have a great lineup this year with the variety of having a Veteran Pastor as the Keynote Speaker. It will also be interesting to hear the Missionaries preach each night.

Well, we'll see you there. I hope you're praying about your Faith Promise Commitment. Remember, we will collect those cards at the offering time next Sunday.

See you soon!
