My heart is full this morning from God's work among us. It was my pleasure last night to spend time with one of our men who has seen the Lord reach down in grace and work tremendously in his life. Together we drove up to Grace Baptist Church in Bridesburg, Philly. We heard Pastor Jay Muholland preach his midweek service (Thurs.)and our hearts were lifted to courage as he spoke on faith out of Hebrews 11.
He preached that faith moves forward under the leadership of God into blind territory. It trusts that God is leading and trusts Him for the outcome. The Holy Spirit worked in my heart at "walking by faith" means picking up your foot and putting it down into a dark spot that you cannot see. I feel this way sometimes with especially the finances of the building, yet through God's working hand in the life of this man and so many others at LBC, God impresses me to lead forward with a place to expand the ability to help people spiritually.
Two times in the last few months I have been under hard preaching that spoke directly to me that our new building is God's Will. I have come away rejoicing though the spot that we put down our feet is not clear. Who among us is sufficient in himself to give enough to see it done? Yet - that is not the point. God can and will do His will, HIS WAY.
We have before us the harvest field of New Castle County and immediately Elkton on our boarder. There are thousands of souls that are damned for hell, backslidden Christians, hurting believers that need a Lighthouse. God has made my heart full that with humility and exalting only HIM, we must be that Lighthouse.
Can you see them coming? Unsaved and hurt people that need a Word?...if you can't see them coming, you haven't looked around you presently in our services...they are already coming to hear...and there are many, many more on the way...