Lighthouse Baptist Church • 1842 Otts Chapel Road • Newark, DE 19702 •

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Small things

Good morning, and greetings from the beautiful and sunny corner of Otts Chapel and Old Baltimore Pike! The Lord's goodness is shining today in my heart. I am trying to hold "Christ as the Head" as we see in Colossians. I hope your faith is strong.

I wanted to jot a note on a small thing that some may want to help with. As you will notice, we have four benches in the playground in desperate need of replacement. We do not allow the furniture in our home to get to this state, and neither must we allow it at God's house.

We are replacing them with long-term Teak benches that normally sell between $400-500. Pastor Pritt ran on to a close-out deal of $150. each. We could include this in the building improvement line of our budget, but want to give any of you an opportunity to pay for a bench if you would like to. Sometimes, God's people like to see EXACTLY what they give to. In this case, you could SIT on what you give to :)

If you would like to give a bench to the Lord's house, please speak to Pastor Pritt, or just put a check in the offering marked "God's Bench".