Lighthouse Baptist Church • 1842 Otts Chapel Road • Newark, DE 19702 •

Friday, October 10, 2008

Revival, Picnic, and McDonalds

I praise the Lord for the wonderful Revival Meetings we are having. There is certainly Revival taking place in families and individual hearts. Dr. Behren's is preaching Spirit filled and Word filled messages that are exposing issues, sin, and the path to change. We praise the Lord for 2 saved on Sunday, and several more under heavy conviction. We praise the Lord for filled altars, weeping, and the evidence of renewal on people's lips. The message last night on "Beauty for Ashes" out of Isaiah 61 spoke to many hearts.

We are looking forward to the Church Picnic on Saturday. Please come and bring your lawn chairs, whatever you signed up for, and one 2 liter per family. Don't forget your sports equipment men --- does anyone have a Bocce' set?

Last night was a night of Victories -- I will share one --- You know of my rantings about joining the American Family Association to boycott McDonalds who recently joined the National Gay and Lesbian Association and placed a McD's VP on their board. They also were running pro-Gay advertising in California. Anyhow, because of the pressure of AFA and conservative believers like us, the CHANGED THEIR PUBLIC POSITION. Please read this first hand AFA release below and may the Lord truly bless those that publicly stand for God's Holy and Moral way:

Read the great news below! You all know what my stand has been on McDonalds for the past year or so. I'm happy to say that I can now go back to McDonalds. My children were jumping for joy tonight.
You see, when we all ban together and do what's right good things do happen. If you have participated in this boycott you have something to be very proud of!

AFA ends boycott: McDonald's agrees to changes

October 9, 2008

Great news! Because of AFA supporters like you, McDonald’s has told AFA they will remain neutral in the culture war regarding homosexual marriage. AFA is ending the boycott of McDonald’s. As you know, AFA called for the boycott in May after McDonald’s joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC).

McDonald’s said McDonald’s Vice President Richard Ellis has resigned his position on the board of NGLCC and that his seat on the board will not be replaced. McDonald’s also said that the company has no plans to renew their membership in NGLCC when it expires in December.
In an e-mail to McDonald’s franchised owners the company said, “It is our policy to not be involved in political and social issues. McDonald’s remains neutral on same sex marriage or any ‘homosexual agenda’ as defined by the American Family Association.”
We appreciate the decision by McDonald’s to no longer support political activity by homosexual activist organizations. You might want to thank your local McDonald’s manager.

Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution to help us continue?


Donald E. Wildmon,
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association Donate with confidence to AFA