Lighthouse Baptist Church • 1842 Otts Chapel Road • Newark, DE 19702 •

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Missionary Need

Some of you know one of our Missionaries, Gary Cowley. Gary is a guy who was saved out of a very rebellious background and used of the Lord to preach in Prisons for Rock of Ages Prison Ministry.

He has undergone some serious medical issues lately including heart attack, etc. Gary lives literally on a shoe-string budget. He lives with his mother and if my memory serves me right is less that 50% supported of what he really needs -- but, he keeps on preaching and serving God. Gary considers Lighthouse his "church away from church" and has many close friends here including Carmella P., the Ellsworths, Scott J., etc.

Gary presently has a need of around $650.00 for some medical supplies that his insurance won't cover.

If you would like to help him, just put a check in the regular LBC offering with "Gary Cowley gift" in the memo. All funds will go directly to him.

Gary is the Lord's to him is giving to the Lord.