Lighthouse Baptist Church • 1842 Otts Chapel Road • Newark, DE 19702 •

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Button Message to the World

Hello World !

One of the amazing things that we have observed about our website is the fact that we get "hits" from dozens of U.S. States and many different countries. Some of the countries of course represent our missionaries, but many do not.

Our website is viewed regularly by people outside our area viewing sermons, music, or just watching what is going on at Lighthouse. We praise the Lord for this ! Our webmaster, Brian Mensch, has worked very hard at incorporating new ideas, navigation, design, etc. into our website. We are currently working on a "2.0" edition that will give the website a complete overhaul into a more simple, beautiful, streamline website. A neat fact about our website comes if you simply Google "Lighthouse Baptist Church". All over the world, our website is the #2 listing for Lighthouse Baptist Church. This is pretty amazing. The website is responsible for bringing several of our new people to Lighthouse. We praise the Lord only for the tool the site has been to the entire World.

Well, World...we would like you to consider giving back if our ministry has been a spiritual blessing to you. As many of you know, we are building a new 15,000 sq. foot auditorium. This is a true need, not a luxury. We have been overflowing our current building for a few years now. With the help of a video building overflow, we average over 260 in an auditorium of 211! Our people line up down the hall for the bathrooms, and we fill each current room with classes. Our parking lot overflows into grass, surrounding driveways, etc. Praise the Lord for this problem, but it is a problem none the less!

You can help will notice a new yellow "Donate" button on the main page of our website under the picture of our new building. If we have ministered to you, we ask you to help us with our ministry. It is exciting to see people from dozens of States and Countries accessing our church ministry, and we ask you to consider returning the blessing.

May the Lord bless our ministry as WE BLESS HIM. Please do not feel indebted to give, we simply give you the opportunity.