Lighthouse Baptist Church • 1842 Otts Chapel Road • Newark, DE 19702 •

Saturday, September 11, 2010

When the Towers Fell

When the Towers Fell by Tobe Witmer

You cannot tell a Hero by the ribbons on his chest,

You cannot tell a warrior by weapons on his vest,

But when a man lays down his life for one that’s not his own,

That man is something special and deserves great honor shown:

When the towers fell, when the towers fell,

And the hope of every American heart lay crumbled on the ground,

They may have taken brick away, with glass and metal spans,

But we still have our Courage, Faith, our love, and praying Hands.

We woke up on that morning, just like another day,

Some started school, some work, some home, and some had time to play,

But somewhere close to nine o’clock, we lost our innocence,

When wicked men with plans of death killed thousands without sense.

We reached for hope, we shed our tears, we launched our troops with nerve,

And though we were attacked with hate, our justice soon was served,

Some lost their precious loved ones then, in fires set from Hell,

Some gained their faith in Christ that day and now their stories tell.

So from this foolish- hateful mess, came courage, hope, and strength,

May God help us to not forget our life’s uncertain length.

Our country holds a special place from shore to nation’s shore,

We stand for Freedom, Faith, and Truth; we’re hated and adored.

When the towers fell, when the towers fell,

And the hope of every American heart lay crumbled on the ground,

They may have taken brick away, with glass and metal spans,

But we still have our Courage, Faith, our love, and praying hands.


  1. Are you going to put this to music? I love the lyrics.

  2. There is music to it Lisa, but I have not had it written out or have not sung it yet.
